
  • Poetry for a Pillowcase . . . can you guess?

    Posted on Apr 25, 2012

    As we open the doors to our wondrous array of Save My Face Pillows, Accessories, and Skin Care, we start with a challenge of sorts. Here is the clue and the first to respond with the correct source from which this Poetry is found wins a Satin Pillow Case in whatever size they desire! Here it is: “My […]

  • Store Opens with Huge Sale . . .

    Posted on Apr 10, 2012

    Everything in Place for you! As we prepare our store to be launched and check and double check all of the elements to insure a pleasant shopping experience for you it requires to stop and test and wait and tweak and wow! . . . is it finished yet? Soon! We anticipate tomorrow Wednesday and […]

  • Welcome to our new site

    Posted on Apr 05, 2012

    Welcome everyone to our new website and to my Blog. Over the years I have spoken with many of you about the Save My Face Pillows and how you are enjoying and using them. Some of you have expressed that you would like more color choices while others have been content with our Patented shape […]

  • The Original “Save My Face!”® anti-wrinkle pillowette is celebrating twelve years!

    Posted on Apr 05, 2012

    The Original “Save My Face!”® anti-wrinkle pillowette is celebrating twelve years! Many of you have been with us all this time! Thank you as you have been instrumental in helping us benchmark our product with great results! Our Patented USA Made Save My Face!”® Pillows last 4-6 years! We started out with 8 products and […]